PARA HOY (30/03/2020): visualizar el vídeo y hacer las actividades relacionadas.
Arthropods are the largest group of living things. There are more than one million known species. All share several characteristics regarding the body:
They have bilateral symmetry
The body is segmented with three regions: head, thorax and abdomen.
The body id covered by a thick cuticle that acts like an external skeleton (exoskeleton)
Jointed appendages (legs, antennae, wings in insects)
Arthropods can be found all over the planet. They can be terrestrial or aquatic, carnivores, herbivores and even parasites.
Arthropods are classified into four groups: myriapods, arachnids. crustaceans and insects.
Now, we can watch a video about them:
Watch the video: (visualiza el vídeo)
Fill in the gaps (completa los huecos)
Answer the questions (responde a las preguntas que vienen al final)
Entre [] aparece la traducción de algunas de las palabras más complicadas
Today we're going to learn all about the ______________(1) animal class on the planet introducing the arthropods.
The arthropods are ______________(2), meaning they don't have internal skeletons. There are a vast [vasto/enorme] amount of them, including this dancing crab, these dragonflies, this caterpillar or even all these tiny ants.
The arthropods are very different from each other, or do you think this butterfly and this shrimp have a similarity? Truth is they don't look like at all, but yet [todavía] all arthropods have common ______________(3): arthropod is a Latin word which means arthro, joints, and podos, feet or ______________(4).
The main arthropod characteristic refers to what indeed [de hecho] suggests: they all have jointed legs [patas articuladas]. Another ______________(5) characteristic that they all have in common is that their body is divided into segments, many of which, though not all, are protected by the external ______________(6), which is used as a shield or a shell. Some arthropods bodies do not grow at the same rate [velocidad] as this exoskeleton, therefore [por lo tanto] making them shed [mudar] it for a bigger size, a process known as molting [muda].
Arthropods can be either terrestrial or ______________(7). The terrestrials, such as this scorpion, breathes through their tracheas, whilst [mientras que] the aquatic arthropods, such as these long lobsters, breathe through their ______________(8).
Arthropods eat everything. Some are ______________(9), such as this little caterpillar; others, ______________(10), like this praying mantis; and others, ______________(11), like the wasps, which eat everything.
Most arthropods have internal fertilization and are ______________(12), meaning they lay [poner] eggs to reproduce. Larvae hatch [eclosionar] from these eggs and then go through different stages before becoming an adult. The changes is called metamorphosis.
As there are so many different ______________(13) of arthropods, they are classified into four large groups, depending on the ______________(14) of legs they have:
Insects have six legs, such as an ant, flies or those really annoying gnats (mosquito).
The arachnids have ______________(15) legs, such as spiders or scorpions.
Crustaceans have ten legs, like this shrimp or this shy [tímido] crab, and
The myriapods had more than ten legs and their bodies are elongated [alargado], like these caterpillars or these centipedes.
Now we're going to ______________(16) the most important things:
Arthropods aren't vertebrates and their main characteristics are their ______________(17) legs. Their bodies are divided into ______________(18) and they lay ______________(19) to reproduce, meaning they are oviparous.
The terrestrial arthropods ______________(20) through their tracheas and the aquatic arthropods through their gills. And they can be either herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.
Lastly, and very importantly, you must remember that the arthropods are classified in four groups, depending on the amount of legs they have: ______________(21), six legs; ______________(22), eight legs; ______________(23), ten legs and ______________(24) are those who have more than ten legs and have elongated bodies.
1. What are the main characteristics that all the arthropods have in common? ¿Cuáles son las principals características que tienen en común todos los artrópodos? 2. Find all the animals named in the text, make a list and translate them. Encuentra todos los animals nombrados en el texto, haz una lista y tradúcelos. 3. Underline the groups of arthropods that appear in the text. Subraya los grupos de artrópodos que aparecen en el texto.